Clarence Wijewardena
F / 124 / Fl

සිහින් සිනාවයි - C (Orig Key: F)

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[ | B | - | - | B/F#7 |

| - | - | - | F#7/B | ] //


|B | |F#7 |

sihin sinaawayi obE Lapeti muwee

| | |B |

kohEn gEnaawadhe oye kadhime ruwee

| | |F#7 |

kzLum hzLEne obE nEthe hamuwee

| | |B |

kEsee kiyannedhe hadhewethe goLu wee


|E |

pzthum piruNe obE muhuNee

|B |

sithum mate kiyaa nzhz nee

|F#7 | |B |

nzwum adhehasak baalee zNdhii thiyEnewaa

|E |

sithee sznesumak nzhz nee

|B |

nEthee sahaneyak nzhz nee

|C#m | |F#7 |

obEn piLithurak lzbee dhe balaa sitinewaa




|E |

hadhee soo thzwul gEwunaa

|B |

nEthee kalpenaa niwunaa

|F#7 | |B |

thawath nam ithin dhuka'Ndhuru rzNdhii nzz sithee

|E |

dhasun wele sinaa rzNdhunaa

|B |

supun saNdhe Ebii bzluwaa

|C#m | |F#7 |

nzwum adhehasak mahadhee zNdhii thiyEnewaa



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